Our clients have good business reasons why they approach us. They want creative solutions, and we love helping them to thrive.

“We have an amazing story but we’re struggling to tell it.”
“You sure do. We’ll put it at the heart of your proposition and identity.”
“Our brand has become messy, can you help make it easier for us to manage our branded materials?”
“Of course. With the right strategy and a big idea, your brand will make a huge difference.”
“How can we bring three distinct brands under one roof?”
“With a confident, striking master brand that showcases your shared mission.”
“We need a more meaningful look and feel that captures our essence.”
“Got it. We’ll build on that DNA and inspire your stakeholders.”
“Our brand and positioning are rooted in the past – how can we show progression?”
“Let's dig into your unique qualities and give it some personality.”
“Our services are industry-leading, but you wouldn't know it from our website! Help?”
“Yes, and let’s help you unify and strengthen your company through your brand.”
“We’ve outgrown our brand and it’s holding us back.”
“Let’s build a more inspiring values-led brand to attract the clients you want.”
“People would love the impact of our unique approach – if only we were explaining it.”
“Let's build your story into a brilliant brand that they'll go wild for!”

What do you want
to be known for?

If your brand is what people are saying about you when you’re not in the room, do you know what you want them to say? If not, how can you really know if you’re succeeding?

Our agency is here to help businesses like yours do ‘branding’ in a way that helps you build a more intentional reputation, create distinctive and compelling identities and really become more successful.

We believe that (A) what you stand for (values, purpose, mission) affects (B) how your brand makes decisions and how it presents itself. This in turn means (C) your audience will start to gain an impression of what your brand is about and how they can relate to it. If you get this right, A and C will align – people will be saying the things you want them to say. And if they’re not, you’ve got something to tweak and work on!

Close up of someone sketching in a notebook
“Having this new brand update and the new website and being able to tell our story in a meaningful way has really set the foundation and the benchmark for us as a business.”
Paul Bird, Creative Director, Elixel
"Our brand should reflect how clients speak about us, and Upshot really understood this. Besides delivering an amazing new website, Upshot's true value was clarifying our values and organising principles. Now, our outward appearance matches our high level of service."
Lisa Hartley, CEO, Plymouth Learning Partnership
“The new look and feel of the charity is exactly what we wanted and needed. All of the schools we work with tell us how good they think the materials look! But what’s been particularly great is that internally the brand strategy has allowed us to focus more on why and how we do what we do.”
Louisa Searle, Director, First Give London
“Working with Upshot has transformed the brand, outlook and visual imagery of our Trust of eight primary schools. We have found the process really rewarding – Upshot continues to take the time to really get to know and understand Connect, and are thoroughly professional, flexible and creative.”
Stuart Bellworthy, CEO & Trust Team Leader, Connect Academy Trust
"Thank goodness we rebranded! It was crucial in our journey to BCorp and has been transformative. Upshot helped us understand and gain confidence in our identity, and we've since attracted more purpose-driven clients – winning new projects aligned with our values and triple bottom line commitment."
Laura Hudspith, Head of Operations & Sustainability, Hiyield
“Rethinking our brand went beyond just the label and website. We didn't expect that this process would give us a solid way to visually and verbally articulate a value system that has sustained us for twenty years and will help us thrive for another twenty."
Fi Graham, Director, Devonia
“We really valued Upshot’s personalised approach to our rebranding exercise. The way that Owen and his team engaged with us at an early stage to find out our core values and purpose meant that we felt that we were in safe hands when it came to the process of putting together our new brand design.”
Simon Rundle, Founder, Ivybridge Brewing Co.

Design Services

We take a strategic approach to idea generating to create beautiful logos, visual identities, design systems, websites, packaging and print artwork. Wherever possible this revolves around brand thinking and brand strategy. This gives you far more considered and creative thinking, and more impactful results.


We won’t bore you with all the complexities of how we do it, but we won’t hide the magic either. Here's how we work, in a nutshell.

1. Understand

To start, we must understand your situation. Digging into the brief. Putting ourselves in your shoes. Asking other people’s opinions. Prompting self reflection, and listening to what you want to achieve, and why. 

2. Translate

Next we translate, reflecting on what we’ve learnt and articulating it creatively. Words are vital to great ideas, and we take great care to find the right ones – both in strategy and in proposed messaging.

3. Create

With concepts now coming thick and fast, the next step is to create. Expert craftsmanship and visual cues that support that big idea and take your brand somewhere new and exciting.

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